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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Using Goodreads

Using Goodreads

You may be plugged into a lot of different social networks (such as facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn), but if you enjoy reading books, there is one social networking site that is better than just about anything else – a site called Goodreads, where you can connect with other readers from all over the world. If you have recently set up a Goodreads account (or if you have not heard of Goodreads before, but you are thinking of setting up an account now), here are a few important things you will need to know in order to optimize your Goodreads experience.
The first thing that Goodreads offers is a chance for you to rate and review all the books you have read; with their simple search function, you can pull up just about any book in existence, and if you have read a lot of books by a single author, you can make your “search and add” even easier by simply searching for the author.
After you have gone through and added the books you have read (and realize: you can also create different “bookshelves” on which you store these books!), you can also add books to your “to read” shelf – which is a great way for you to keep track of all the books you are wanting to read, and of all the books you are hoping to purchase soon.

And as is the case with any great social networking site, on Goodreads you will be able to connect with others who whare your interests; as you add new “friends” on Goodreads, the site will become better and better at suggesting friends for you, until you have a constant influx of new book suggestions, and a broader understanding of what is out there in the world of books.
Goodreads is a great way to learn more about books – regardless of whether you are a casual reader, a serious reader, or even an author – and it is a tremendous opportunity to connect with other readers who are just like you!

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